January 8, 2020 – (Key West, FL). Poets and writers invited to participate in Tennessee Williams Birthday Celebration poetry and short story contests
As the Tennessee Williams Birthday Celebration nears, Key West Art & Historical Society invites poets and writers to submit original works for the 2020 Poetry and Short Story writing contests – components of the annual celebration held each March in honor of the Pulitzer Prize-winning literary icon that moved to Key West in 1949 and remained a resident for 34 years.
All poems and stories must reference “The Women of Tennessee Williams,” which can be loosely interpreted. Cost is $20 per submission and is limited to one poem and/or one short story per person. The first-place winner in each contest will be awarded $200 while the second-place winner will receive $100. Submissions will be accepted through March 8, 2020. For full contest information, guidelines, and a submission link visit KWAHS.ORG and click on ‘tickets.’
The Tennessee Williams Museum on 513 Truman Avenue is open daily for self-guided tours 9:30am-4:30pm. For more information, contact Key West Art & Historical Society at 305-295-6616 or visit WWW.KWAHS.ORG. Your Museums. Your Community. It Takes an Island.
IMAGE: Key West Art & Historical Society invites poets and writers to submit works for the 2020 Tennessee Williams Poetry and Short-story Writing Contests – components of the upcoming Key West Tennessee Williams Birthday Celebration. (Photo Credit: Ida Woodward Barron Collection / Monroe County Public Library)