The Key West Art & Historical Society is excited to offer a series of fun historical lectures entitled ‘Happy Hour with the Historian’.
Historian: Cori Convertito Ph.D.
Topic: Our Working Waterfront
The talk will explore the diversity of work along the Key West waterfront. It will reveal the complex interconnections of waterfront work. The diverse forms of work ranged from shipbuilding, wrecking, sponging, turtling, and shrimping. The main themes illuminated in the talk will be: what is and was waterfront work, who works/worked along the waterfront, and what do/did they do. It also took up important questions about how the waterfront has changed over time, the reasons for these changes, and implications for the future.
This event is sponsored in part by Comedy Key West.
- Date: June 12
- Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
- Cost: $13.00 - $17.00
- Location: Comedy Key West